
Desire Wisdom • Because Nothing Else Matters More, Matthew 13:44-46, November 26, 2017

In this week's message we conclude our Desire Wisdom series with two of the shortest Parables that Jesus ever preached. Embedded in the richest chapter of parables in any of the gospels these two parables highlight the reason, purpose and meaning of all of Jesus' Parables!

Reality Check, Proverbs 2, October 1, 2017

If, as one Old Testament commentator wrote, "Wisdom is becoming competent with regard to the realities of life: how things really happen, how things really are, " is true, then it begs the question what is reality? Join us and listen as God's Word challenges us to have a Reality Check.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately the Scripture reading was not recorded prior to this message. Please read all of Proverbs Chapter 2 before listening to get the most out the message.